Week 6

Here is a brief snapshot of what is happening under the dome…

Monday, January 27th, 2023, was a terribly busy day on the senate floor. We only addressed two bills, but it took about 2 ½ hours of spirited debate to make headway.

Bill Number Senate Joint Resolution 101:
Passed the Senate floor on party lines with one R voting against.

This is the piece of legislation that will ask the voters of Idaho if they want to change Idaho’s Constitution by amending Section I Article III of the Constitution. This amendment will make it more difficult to get a referendum or ballot initiative on the ballot. It would change the number of signatures needed to get a referendum or ballot initiative on the ballot. Currently, an initiative needs 6% of signatures from registered voters from thirty-five (35) counties to make it onto the ballot. This bill would require that an initiative would require 6% of signatures from all forty-four (44) counites. In essence, one county could hold hostage any proposed initiative by not meeting the new standard.

This question will come to the voters of Idaho this November. Please beware of the wording on this question.  It will be written in such a manner as to confuse you. I will not be voting for this Resolution.

Bill Number S1038:
Failed to move off the Senate floor!! 12-23

The Freedom in Education Savings Account. (A misnomer if there ever was one). I heard from hundreds of people across the state asking for us to stop this bill. We did. This bill would have given ~$6,000.00 per child per year to attend the private school of their choice. This bill did not provide accountability for how the money would spent or if it would even be spent on school. There was no accountability for what curriculum would be used, or for the progress of the student. There was not a ‘claw back’ clause in the bill either. If the parents decided to remove their child from the private school and enroll them into public school, the money would remain with the family. On top of all that, this would take funding from our already underfunded public schools.

Bill Number S1094:
Passed 35-0

This legislation would extend a temporary license and registration, usually applied to U.S. Medical School graduates for residency training in Idaho, to experienced International Medical Graduates who are forcibly displaced persons to address the severe doctor shortage while simultaneously putting experienced physicians to work.

This has been in the works since May and is an example of good legislation. Thank you, Senator Wintrow!

Bill Number 1025:
Failed 16-17-1

So much debate for something that is just creating a solution for a problem that does not exist. This bill would remove the marriage license and replace it with a certificate. You can get married by any person who has the credentials and who is willing to sign a piece of paper. This legislation paves the way for taking advantage of the elderly, underage marriage and, opening the door for Idaho to become a sex tourism destination. You don’t get a vote that is much closer.

On the Lighter Side

I get the pleasure of presenting the Gubernatorial appointment of Pat McMahon to the Idaho Water Resource Board. Pat has served the Wood River Valley in many capacities: Firefighter/EMT, Assistant Fire Chief for the City of Sun Valley, Zamboni driver, and 34 years with the Sun Valley water and sewer district. He has also been an instrumental participant in the Big Wood River Water Users Association.

Good News of the Week

The Capitol had a surprise visit this week. It was so good to see Representative Toon back in the halls.

She had such a positive impact during her time in the House. She is greatly missed but I sure did enjoy catching up with her. She has so much to share.


Week 7


Week 5